
The Manvers Township Historical Society is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to preserving our past for future generations. It operates and runs a range of programs and activities. Here are some ways you can support the organization.


The Society is always looking for new members. An annual membership is $20.00 and payable at the beginning of each calendar year. If you wish “The Broad Road” publication mailed to you, it will be an additional $5.00 to cover mailing costs. A corporate membership is $25.00.

What does an annual membership mean – it means

  • you can participate as an active voice in the future of the Society,
  • you can assist with the preservation of Manvers History
  • Copy of The Broad Road

The Society membership generally meets monthly except during the winter months and holds one annual meeting. A meeting schedule is adopted at the beginning of each year. Check out the schedule under “About Us”.

There are currently 60 members.

To become a member, mail cheque payable to Manvers Township Historical Society, 1480 Hwy 7A, Box 173, Bethany, ON L0A 1A0 and include the following information –

Name: ___________________________________

Street or postal box: _____________________________________

Town/City: _____________________________________

Province: __________________________Postal Code: ______________________

Telephone: _______________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________