Future Projects

The Manvers Township Historical Society has been collecting artifacts for years and would very much like to share these items on a more permanent basis to the public. Planning for a museum is one of the main focus points for the membership.

In 2020, work commenced on a new book entitled “Janetville Reflections”.

The Historical Society needs your help. Tell us about your Manvers memories and stories. Did you grow up in Manvers? The Manvers Township Historical Society wants to hear your story(ies) and your memories about the community to be preserved for future generations. If you want to share a story you can submit it by email to manvershistory.ca or deliver a hard copy to the Research Centre (Old Bethany Post Office) Tuesday or Thursday 2 to 4 or to any member of the Historical Society.

It is the intent to collect the stories and publish them in the newsletter or possibly consolidate them into a book.